
Room 4 

13:40 - 14:40 


Talk (60 min)

You can't do that with JavaScript!

So I wanted to know how much the JavaScript engines have evolved over the years since Netscape was a thing. So I was thinking, what are the most ludicrous and stupid things to try and implement in JavaScript?


How about a 3d engine? How about three? A rasterizer, a ray-marcher, and the almighty ray-tracer!

We will go through how I built, three different 3d engines in JavaScript and the lessons learned.

Espen Sande-Larsen

Espen is a developer and architect with over 25 years of experience. He has worked on everything from embedded systems, electronics and games to large scale cloud applications. He is as full-stack as they come. Espen started coding at age six on a C64, and has been cranking out software ever since.

He served as the principal architect, tech lead and lead security
engineer on the compensation scheme for Covid-19 suffering
businesses released by the Norwegian government.

Espen was the Senior VP of Technology Exploration for DNB in San Fransisco and is currently doing technology and security research in DNB NewTechLab.