
Room 2 

16:20 - 17:20 


Talk (60 min)

Next Generation Developer Platforms & Deployable Architectural Archetypes

The landscape of software development is rapidly evolving, and developers are constantly seeking better tools to enhance their productivity and create more efficient workflows. In this talk, I'll show you what many of my enterprise customers are looking to implement - deploying architectural archetypes using the latest advancements in developer toolsets.


We will stand up our dev environment on Azure DevBox and GitHub Codespaces, use the Azure Developer CLI to deploy the templates, leverage GitHub CoPilot for AI-powered code generation to deploy an architecture including the Azure OpenAI API for integrating machine learning and natural language processing into applications - and we'll easily do it in 60 minutes.
Come along for a hands-on tour of the latest in developer tooling.

Adam Stephensen

Adam is an Azure Innovation Specialist at Microsoft. He loves helping organisations and teams deliver business innovation using cloud solutions (this year it's all AI, all the time).

Adam is passionate about building awesome teams, helping developers deliver more and love their jobs, growing technical communities and helping organisations understand where AI & the cloud can help them be successful.

Adam believes communication and agility lead to success: 'fail fast', inspect, adapt, have a lot of fun.