
Room 1 

13:40 - 14:40 


Talk (60 min)

.NET and Containers - each layer of abstraction indistinguishable from magic

Join Scott Hanselman as we explore the layers of abstraction that make software (and .NET) possible.


From IL to machine code, we will create a new application on bare metal, move to a virtual environment, create containers, deploy to Windows, then Linux, with AoT, deploy to WASM, and ultimately to any cloud.

Scott Hanselman

Scott is a web developer who has been blogging at for over a decade. He works in Open Source on ASP.NET and the Azure Cloud for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland, Oregon. Scott has three podcasts, for tech talk, on developers' lives and loves, and for pop culture and tech media. He's written a number of books and spoken in person to almost a half million developers worldwide.